Tuesday, May 02, 2006


There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today, entitled "As Marijuana Use Rises, More People Are Seeking Treatment for Addiction"........


This is so hilarious.... first, these are federally funded studies, reported by none other than the Wall Street Journal......Do I detect a bias? Or an agenda? A government ringer, a la Rich Gannon?

"Substantial scientific evidence?' Looks more like anecdotal evidence to me....

"Marijuana Anonymous?" How many steps in that program?

"No debate among American researchers".....Gimme a fuckin' break.......

Note that it says that the "euphoria" can be addictive....not the THC itself....and then at the rate of only 2 or 3 % of users......

Fuck!!!! That can apply to the addictiveness of the "euphoria" experienced by 2 or 3 % of .......well, let me think.........EVERYTHING.....ANYTHING......such as:

Runners (well, I had to start somewhere...... I'm acquainted with a few, as well as tri-athletes, all of whom feel that I'm a degenerative slacker, denying myself of such a rush!!!), gamers, movie nuts, blog readers, church-goers, sports fanatics, hobbyists, reality TV fans, gardeners, soap addicts, golfers, skiers, crossword puzzle enthusiasts (I must confess), gamblers, readers of any particular genre, stock speculators, butterfly collectors, bird-watchers, porn viewers, history buffs, antique collectors ( or junkers), Xtreme anything, political junkies, car buffs, collectors of anything (i.e. baseball cards, Barbie dolls, pet rocks, arrowheads, coins, stamps, militaria, railroadiana, license plates, Pokemon.....), wine snobs, art snobs, fashion snobs, haute cuisine snobs (gimme, meat, potatoes, & corn, with copious amounts of butter, 3 times a day 24-7-365, and hold the green shit, lite shit, or any kind of mayo, dressing, or seasonings other than salt, pepper, & Ken Davis' barbeque sauce), astronomers, geologists, archaeologists, computer geeks, snowmobilers, polo players or any of the "horsie" ilk, members of groups like PETA, the Sierra Club, the ACLU, the Nazi Party, the Young Republicans, or the Isaac Walton League......


Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

Lately I've been addicted to the rush of the Craftsman Electric Chainsaw slicing through boxelder. No gas fumes, just the joyous smell of boxelder sap and flying cream-colored chips. I'm so addicted I have to go out and get my fix again today.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

was that article from april 1st and was it printed as an april fool's joke?

4:12 AM  

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