Wednesday, February 22, 2006


My apologies to Maria Muldaur........

I was just doing some reading on a right-wing web site called War Footing (10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World)....... They have a blog.....who doesn't?...... in which they were discussing the takeover of P&O by Dubai Ports and the shady maneuvering that went on to approve the deal, as well as the motives........

One responder, named "Maria", posted this:

One cold night, as an Arab sat in his tent, a camel gently thrust his nose under the flap and looked in. "Master," he said, "let me put my nose in your tent. It's cold and stormy out here." "By all means," said the Arab, "and welcome," as he turned over and went to sleep.

A little later the Arab awoke to find that the camel had not only put his nose in the tent but his head and neck also. The camel, who had been turning his head fom side to side, said "I will take but little more room if I place my forelegs within the tent. It is difficult standing out here." "Yes, you may put your forelegs within," said the Arab, moving to make room, for the tent was small.

Finally, the camel said, "May I not stand wholly inside? I keep the tent open by standing as I do." "Yes, yes," said the Arab. "Come wholly inside. Perhaps it will be better for both of us."

So the camel crowded in. The Arab, with difficulty in the crowded quarters, again went to sleep.

When he awoke the next time, he was outside in the cold and the camel had the tent to himself.


Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

Foot in the door...nose in the tent...

6:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

and a big pile of SHITE on the floor

4:49 AM  

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