Sunday, April 23, 2006


Finally......a weekend when it wasn't either raining or just too fuckin' cold for my old bones........

So I hit the spring yardwork full bore.....

Yesterday, it was raking & cleaning all of the shit & debris outa the flowerbeds (well, 20% of 'em, anyway).....all bending-over type the end of the day, I didn't think my back would allow me to ever again stand upright.......

Today, though, I was once again out bright & early, tending to trimming hedges & shrubs & doing some, instead of bending over, I was mostly working with tools above shoulder spite of taking frequent & increasingly lengthy breaks, I caved in really early, 'cause my rubbery arms were incapable of anything more strenuous than combing my hair....or lack thereof....

Fuck.....I sit at my job all day, and sit in front of the computer at night.....being on my feet is entirely foreign, especially when it involves movement....I'm sitting here now wondering if my rubbery legs are gonna be able to make it up the stairs, let alone stand erect when I push my chair away from the computer.....which I must, of course, since the first ice-cold beer I just guzzled to replace the loss of fluid through that vile bodily function known as perspiration is empty........note to myself......start drinking beer out of a can rather than a bottle, 'cause those glass bastards are much too heavy.....

If I'm not mistaken, there once was a comic book hero called Rubberman....or Plasticman....or Elasticman.....whatever......fuck, is that ever fiction.....if his arms were as rubbery as mine, he wouldn't be able to brush his teeth, let alone save the world.......


Blogger Unknown said...

whew, i got tired just READING this..........

you won't be sorry though when those flowers or vegetables start blooming......

4:02 AM  
Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

Just think of it as Mother Nature's Gymnasium. You get a workout AND accomplish something at the same time.

11:04 PM  

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